niQin shared an aphorism: There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. -- Unknown
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KouSun.com - Imagine, Program, Share No.64ed549c3cbb8f2b6be96c39

niQin posted at 2023-08-29 03:05:29+00

5331 Hits / / 9 Insides

💥 Creation Content

Keys/Tags: scratch kids problem-solving

Creation overview

Create stories, games, musics, arts, animations, tutorials … and share with others.
Promote computational and logical thinking for kids, enhance problem-solving abilities of kids.
A gift for my daughter, also hopes to help all kids who enjoy programming.
Always free, based on Scratch & Rust web stacks.


永远免费,基于 Scratch 和 Rust web 技术栈构建。

Res & Files: 1 1.png
2 2.png
3 0.png

Website: https://kousun.com

Source Url: https://github.com/rusthub-org/kids

💥 Contact information

Contact person: KouSun

To view contact details of creation, please Sign in RustHub

Contact information is provided by user self, rusthub.org assumes no responsibility. Please identify the risks by yourself and beware of being deceived.